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Long Pose Portrait Drawing: Likeness and Form by Patrick Byrnes

INSTRUCTOR: Patrick Byrnes
DATES: February 12-16, 2025 (Wednesday through Sunday)
TIMES: 10-1pm; lunch; 2-5pm
LIMIT: 10 students maximum
COST: $800

In this five-day workshop participants will draw the live model in a single portrait pose, developing the fundamentals of portrait draftsmanship in graphite by learning to synthesize visual and conceptual modes of analysis. Starting with a linear construction emphasizing accurate proportion, anatomical structure, and a sensitive fidelity to nature, artists will proceed to rendering the illusion of dimensionality using a form-by-form approach, analyzing the relationship between light source, subject, and viewing position. Additional areas of focus will include establishing an accurate value range, anatomy, perspective, edges, line quality, materials, and the balance between sculptural, graphic, and atmospheric aesthetic aims. Beginning to advanced artists are welcome; instruction will be customized to all levels of experience.

Morning sessions begin with short group lectures to introduce key concepts as well as a comprehensive, narrated demonstration by Patrick. From 12pm through the rest of the day participating artists will draw from the live model, with Patrick offering detailed, customized critiques; typically, each participant will receive 20- 30 minutes of personalized instructor feedback each day.

Drawing Materials:

  • GRAPHITE: pencils in a range from 2H to 2B (I recommend Tombow and Staedtler brands)

  • DRAWING PAPER: 2 sheets of smooth white or off-white drawing paper; minimum size 11x14 inches, maximum size 18x24 inches (I recommend Strathmore, Fabriano Artistico, Stonehenge, Arches, and Canson brands.)


  • ERASERS: 1 kneaded eraser and 1 hard rubber eraser (I recommend the Tombow brand “Mono Zero” eraser stick)

  • SHARPENER: sandpaper + utility knife

  • KNITTING NEEDLE or a long-handled paintbrush for taking measurements

  • MIRROR: a small, handheld mirror

December 9

Model Drawing & Painting: Academic Expressionism by Lucas Bononi

May 26

Drawing the Figure on Toned Paper: Light Effect & Structure by Scott Garder